Welcome to Nurse Duda

They say we should  be the change we wish to see in the world, and while changing Earth is immensely overwhelming to me, I thought I would give it a shot on a smaller scale in the nursing world, and even smaller yet, the world with those people craziest enough to embark on the accelerated journey of becoming a registered nurse.  

The accelerated nursing programs that say they can make nurses in a year (or sometimes 2.) Wild thought considering the majority of us know close to nothing when we first start and are filled with more questions than a 3-year-old facing Erikson’s Initiative Vs. Guilt phase of psychosocial development (yes, this will come up in your peds class later.) 

Chances are you have a previous degree and maybe even jumped into the real world and started working in your field and realized yeahno, this life isn’t for me. You did some research, took some prereqs, maybe went through some interviews, and BAM you find yourself accepted and preparing for an accelerated nursing program! Congratulations. These programs are insanely competitive and you should be super proud of yourself already! 

Accelerated nursing programs are the future of nursing. https://www.aacnnursing.org/Nursing-Education/Accelerated-Programs/Fast-Track You hear how great they are and how quickly you can change your career, but you can’t seem to ignore the masses of people that try to scare you and say how insanely impossible these programs are. I say screw that; you got accepted for a reason, you understand life a little more, you’re motivated, you’re dedicated, and you’re probably paying a good penny to make this happen, so decide you will!  

I can vividly remember the overwhelming feelings before I started. And to be completely honest, during my experience through my accelerated program and even afterward into the real nursey world, I felt like I had no one to turn to and kind of stumbled and practically faked my way into building confidence. But hey, I made it this far, I’m alive, and I’m a true, real-life, registered nurse in Philadelphia and have a bunch of tips I learned along the way!  

I know the stress you’re feeling. I know the struggles you’re facing. And I also know you can do this, because I was able to survive it a few years earlier. With the right preparation and the right mindset, I’m crazy enough to believe that you could actually maybe even sorta enjoy or love this journey!

I absolutely loved nursing school. I love nursing students. And I truly adore my career as a nurse.  

I’m Lindsey Duda: just your super positive, quirky girl who’s into helping and teaching others. Welcome to my page, where I hope to be an extra cheerleader along this exciting journey of yours! 

Stay positive my friend! Xoxo, Lindsey   

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